The work process for providing professional opinion is based on the valuer competence in estimating the economic value of a particular object in accordance with the Standar Penilai Indonesia (SPI).
Analysis of the Highest and Best Use (HBU)
Determination of the type of use that produces the maximum property value from various development alternatives.
Feasibility Study
Work that compares the cost incurred with the economic benefits of an object. If the cost exceed the benefits, the project is not feasible. Conversely, if the economic beneffits exceed the cost incurred, then the project is said to be feasible.
Market and Marketability Study
Market Enviromental analysis related to supply and demend, for the type of property in a particular region. Marketability Study Marketing studies relate to more specific types of product in a predetermined market. The data obtained in the form of selling or rental prices, product details, market absorbtion, and others.
Other Services
Property Development Consultation Design of asset information systems Property agent services Supervision of project financing Asset optimalization studies
Should our service prove to be of interest, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific requirements and propose meaningful solutions.
Contact Head Office
- Generali Tower – Gran Rubina Business Park Lt. 16 E, at Rasuna Epicentrum, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan, 12940
- (021) 21684277